Welcome Fall with a “Beer-Tail”

Welcome Fall with a “Beer-Tail”

A Fall “Beertail”

While easy-drinking lagers are popular spring and summer go-to beers, as we transition into fall an Amber Ale is a good fall option.  Amber Ales feature caramel malt flavors, and a medium hop bitterness. This style of beer will often compliment the foods of this season and a beer-cocktail won’t let you down either…..

THE CARNELIAN (Beer Cocktail: “Beertail”)

2 oz. (60ml) Cranberry Juice

.5 oz. (15ml) Fresh lime juice

6.5 OZ (190ml) Amber Ale

Pour “all cold” ingredients in a cold beer glass and gently stir. Optional Garnish: Cranberry picked into the center of a spent lime shell.

Watch The Carnelian on Master Your Glass!


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