Not sure what to drink? The Cocktail Matchmaker and the 2nd Edition of “The 12 Cocktails” book are here!

Not sure what to drink? The Cocktail Matchmaker and the 2nd Edition of “The 12 Cocktails” book are here!

Not sure what to drink? The Cocktail Matchmaker and the 2nd Edition of “The 12 Cocktails” book are here!

This past weekend Armando Rosario and I and clicked “send” and took took a deep breath. The final email to our publisher of “The 12 cocktails” book, which we co-authored, was sent and there is no looking back.

First published in 2015, Armando and I were very satisfied with the feedback we received from our first edition of the book so only a few things were revised. We updated a few of the glassware pictures with ones that better represent what is available today. We upgraded the look of our Cocktail Composition Chart and all the chemistry designs for each of the 12 cocktails using a new artist. We even replaced the two cocktails that represent the Lowballs, and the Sparkling Wine cocktails with the Negroni and the Spritz.

The 12 Cocktails is an easy review of twelve specific drinks and how they teach us just about everything we need to know in the cocktail-making world. Throughout the years of presenting our system to bartenders around the country, we realized that there was a great opportunity (and several requests) to show how exactly to use our book’s teachings help you prepare the right cocktail that a person desires by asking them just a few easy questions. So, with that came the addition of “Cocktail Matchmaker” page as seen below.

This is an important addition; how often do guests not know what they want? Far too often! There are virtually thousands of drinks and variations to pick from so you can’t blame someone for being confused, and the Bartender/Host for not being a mind-reader.

The first two things to look for are if the guest would like an Alcoholic or Non drink and what flavor are they craving (it is important here to walk guests through what flavors of syrups, fruits, herbs you have available).

If non-alcoholic the chart gives you one more question to ask with only two simple options and you’re done!

If alcoholic it will give you 5 options to offer that help assess the kind of drink they want and which spirit they’d like. Once the guest picks the options are further narrowed down for an easy and quick decision.

We are excited about this new addition to our book and would love to hear what you think. Fot more information on the 12 Cocktails book and to get your hands on the softcover available on November 8th visit

2021 Cocktail match maker poster

Livio Lauro


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