Master Your Ash, a new addition to the Master Your Glass family!

Master Your Ash, a new addition to the Master Your Glass family!

A show about how a Master Mixologist, Spirits Judge & BIG-TIME Cigar Enthusiast pairs cigars with all different types of beverages.
“I’ve spent the last fifteen + years in the alcohol & hospitality industry alongside many cigar industry professionals and enjoying tobacco & cigar shops and cigars from around the world.
The goal is to share my experience and explain Cigar and Spirits pairings.
” Michael Przydzial – Host – Master Your Ash
This YouTube show will showcase that spirits & cigars are both customary commodities of civilization, culturally intertwined and that they have traveled with humanity over thousands of years and miles.


Please enjoy the first episode of Master Your Ash:

Cutting & Lighting Etiquette and Technique


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